Privacy Policy

Last Update: August 2024


Your privacy is important to HyFont Studio Team (the “team”, “we” or “us”) and we are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy policy (“Privacy policy”) explains our data protection policy and describes the types of information we may process when you install and/or use “HiFont” software application for mobile devices (the “App”, “our App”).

When we refer to personal data (or personal information) we mean any information of any kind relating to a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to such data. It is a natural person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social status.

Our Privacy policy applies to all users, and others who access the App (“Users”).

For the purposes of the GDPR, we are the data controller, unless otherwise stated.


Data Collection

For better user experiences, we may collect the following information.

General Information

When you use the App, some information about your device and your user behavior may be processed automatically. This information is generally non-personal, i.e. it does not, on its own, permit direct association with any specific individual, and we may access it only in aggregated form. We process this information on the ground of our legitimate interests in improving our App and giving our users the best experience. If we do not access such data we may not be able to provide you with all the features of the App.

We use third-party automatic data processing technologies to analyze certain information sent by your device via our App (advertising or analytics tools). Some of them launch automated processing of your personal data, including profiling, which means any form of automated processing of personal data used to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to you, in particular to analyze or predict aspects concerning your personal preferences, interests, behavior, location or movements (see the list of data described below). Processing information through automatic data processing technologies starts automatically when you first time launch the App.

Installed Applications

The app may ask for permission of querying all apps installed on your device.

In the font installation method we used before, we would check whether a font installation package has been installed, which involves querying the installed applications on the device. In the newer version, we have adopted a new method to check, and it is no longer necessary to obtain all the installed applications on the device.

If you communicate with us via our support section or via email, we may also collect your email address, name and any information voluntarily submitted by you in connection with such support (for example, your name, company name, and particular support query or request). Such information will only be used to provide you with support services and will not be connected with any other information collected from you on or through the App, including, any individual User ID (as defined below) generated or collected by us. When you use the App, we automatically generate an anonymous internal user ID (which does not personally identify you), which is assigned to your use of the App (the “User ID”) and may be combined with any of the above information.

Technical Information

Certain technical information regarding your device, including the type, name and version of operating system and Other Software including, without limitation: (i) their interactions with the App, your configuration and settings of the Software and V.Services, version of the App; (ii)ISP (Internet Service Provider) , Internet protocol (IP) address, Media Access Control (MAC) address, anonymous user identifiers, device configuration and identifiers; (iii)Advertising ID (Identifier for Advertisers used in Android, such as Google advertising ID (GAID)); (iv) location; (v)Android ID (which are used locally, never saved on servers).

Payment data

We may collect information about your subscription orders, such as purchase items, subscription time, order status, payment time. We do not collect and we are not responsible for the collection or security of payment details. Payment information is processed and stored using third-party companies (such as Google).These companies can be contacted through their websites: Before entering your personal payment details, we suggest that you read and become familiar with the privacy policy.

Contact Information

When you sign up to create an account with some of our Apps, you will be required to provide an email address, or other contact information as part of the registration process. Alternatively, you can use your Facebook Account or other third party social network accounts (together, “Social Media Account”) to register for the Services.

Social Media Account Information

When you sign up with a Social Media Account, you will be asked to choose which information you would like to share with us, such as your email address, birthday, friends list, or public profile information. When you decide to use a Social Media Account to sign up for our Services, we only require the collection of the email address associated with your Social Media Account; all other information provided by you is voluntary.

Your Content

When using some of our Services, you can create, save, upload content by providing us with access to your photos, media and files, and your device’s camera. You voluntarily provide this information to us. We may store any information about your interactions on our Services or any content created, posted or shared by you on our Services (e.g., pictures and other content) indefinitely after the closure your account for the establishment or defense of legal claims, audit and crime prevention purposes.

Collection of personal information

1.When you use the Software, the system will automatically record information including but not limited to your usage, usage time, browsing history, etc.;
2.We will collect your device information: in order to identify users and provide users with better services, conduct user behavior analysis, crash analysis, product performance analysis, advertising monitoring, and conduct internal audits and data analysis; In some cases, the app will collect some of your device information during startup and running:
Device attributes: mobile phone model, mobile phone version, network type, screen size, current application version, and other information;
Device serial number or other device identifiers: such as IMEI, network device hardware address, advertising identifier IDFA and other device serial numbers, unique identifiers, etc.;

Third Parties

We may make third party applications, such as extensions, available through the Services. The information collected by us when you enable a third party application is processed under this Privacy Policy. Information collected by the third party application provider is governed by their privacy policies.

For example:

Device information that the third-party advertising SDK needs to obtain: When the app starts, it will obtain external memory card read permission (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE), write to external memory card (WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE), request location permission (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION), request Bluetooth state (BLUETOOTH and BLUETOOTH_ADMIN), request WIFI state (ACCESS_WIFI_STATE) and related device information (such as hardware model, operating system version, IMEI), and communicate with the above SDKs, so that ads are displayed normally in the app. To collect app usage and crash information.

We only promise that the data mentioned above collected and processed is for the purpose of realizing the functions of the application and will not involve the illegal acquisition of user privacy data. We only share data with third parties within the scope of obtaining the user’s consent or expressly provided by law, otherwise, we will not provide user-related data to any third party.

Information Usage

The main reason we use your information is to deliver and improve the App. Additionally, we use your information to keep you safe. Read on for a more detailed explanation of the various reasons we use your information: 1 Deliver Services. Deliver the App to you and maintain, improve the quality and operation of the App, ensure their optimal functionality and operation. 2 Maintain Relationship. Identify, establish and manage your account and our relationship with you. 3 Respond Requests. Provide you with customer support and respond to your requests. 4 Customize Content. (i) To improve and customize the App; (ii) To provide you personalized content, including through the delivery of targeted interest-based advertisements from us or our partners. If any new purposes for processing your information arise, we will let you know before we start to process information on that other purpose by introducing the corresponding changes to this Privacy policy. While it is not our intention to collect any personally identifiable information (“PII”) (except for those set forth in this Privacy Policy), the data collected may include PII. As part of our privacy measures, we implement certain rules designed to avoid the unintentional collection of PII such as email addresses, social security numbers, phone number, credit card numbers etc. Such rules are based on known field types, parameters, values and algorithms but they are not foolproof and hence the App may sometimes, unintentionally, collect unwanted information. We regularly examine and update these rules to avoid this happened. If you located in the EEA or Ca USA, as required by law, you hereby grant your consent to us to use or process your personal information only for the purpose described above once you use the Software or the Service. And you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us.


Our mission is to constantly improve our App and provide you with new experiences. As part of this mission, we use your information for the following purposes:

If any new purposes for processing your personal data arise we will let you know we start to process information on that other purpose by introducing the corresponding changes to this Privacy policy.


We will share your information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Privacy policy.

Please note that while integrating external services we choose third parties that can assure they apply all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect user personal data. However, we cannot guarantee the security of any information transmitted from us to any such third party. We are not responsible for any accidental loss or unauthorized access to your personal data through a fault of third parties.

We will not rent or sell your personal data to any third parties, but we may share your information from tools like cookies, log files, and device identifiers and location data, with third-party organizations that provide automatic data processing technologies for the App. We do not control or influence these third parties’ tracking technologies or how they may be used.

We may also share certain information such as cookie data with third-party advertising partners. This information allows third-party ad networks to deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you.


The security of your personal information is highly important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it.

We take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the personal information.

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures, which are designed to implement data-protection principles, such as data minimization, in an effective manner and to integrate the necessary safeguards into the processing. We seek your personal data to be encrypted with proper and strong encryption algorithms, including hashing where possible.

Unfortunately, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. We do our best to protect your personal data, nevertheless, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. In the event that your personal information is compromised as a breach of security, we will promptly notify you in compliance with applicable law.

If you have any questions about the security of our App, you can contact us through the contact form displayed below.


We ensure that we comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of thirteen (13). If you are in the EEA, our Software and Services is not directed to children under 16, and we do not knowingly collect PII from children under 16. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without his/her consent, he or she should promptly contact us and we take reasonable steps to ensure that such information is deleted from our files.


We may periodically make changes to this Policy as we update or expand our Services. We will notify you of any material changes to this Privacy Policy by notifying you via the email we have on file for you, or by means of a notice on our Services in advance of the effective date of the changes. If you do not agree to the changes, you should discontinue your use of the Services prior to the time the modified Policy takes effect. If you continue using the Services after the modified Policy takes effect, you will be bound by the modified Policy. Furthermore, we may provide you with “just-in-time” disclosures or additional information about the data collection, use and sharing practices of specific Services. These notices may provide more information about our privacy practices, or provide you with additional choices about how we process your personal information.


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at